freeHANDllle is the first digital community with a shopping online portal that shares its gains with all the Associates.It defines itself "The New Sharing Economy": is the central focus, in fact, of a project that creates economic welfare for families and businesses, while maintaining a strong ethical and social character. It is an idea born of "human beings" that breaks with the traditional market current rules: a real commercial revolution!We are people, with desires and dreams to realize, that meet each other, talk, share common interests, confront and find solutions to basic questions to which today it is increasingly difficult to find concrete answers:How can I save?How can I increase my economic resources?How can I build an income that support myself and my family even when I'll be retired?How can I achieve a better healthcare coverage for unpredicted health problems?It is the dream of "common" people, young and very excited, with different stories inspired by the desire to positively change their own lives and the others' ones.In 2014 they met and chose to work and live manifesting their own humanity! "Collaborate and share: these are the keywords of new forms of economic exchange, transmitted through technology to service personal relationships."(Seminar "Economy and collaborative work", 09 May 2015, Florence.)