Reviresco is a non-profit dedicated to empowering society to go beyond saying "Thank you for your service". Founded in 2014, Reviresco was built upon the realization that there is a growing gap between military service members and civilians. This gap is called the "civilian-military divide". In order to improve this growing gap, Reviresco has two prongs in which they spread their mission across the country. The first prong is their education prong. Reviresco gives presentations to corporations, student organizations, and classrooms discussing what it means to create a veteran inclusive environment in society. This education is based on the idea that we should not put veterans in boxes, but rather treat them as individuals just like anyone else. We encourage our listeners to ask questions and make conversation. Veterans want to tell their stories but often times find themselves being asked "did you shoot anybody" and that is it. By asking questions about their experiences, a stronger understanding grows between civilians and the military, strengthening that relationship. Reviresco has chapters in both high schools and colleges, and plans to continue expand to more in the coming year.The second prong is the Reviresco Run. The Reviresco Run is designed as the company's capital fundraising program and takes place from NYC-Miami. The goal of this run is to spread the company's message across the country through media outlets while interacting with many civilians and veterans along the way. By utilizing our unique story and mission the company is able to draw attention all throughout the East Coast and emphasize the importance of bridging the civilian military divide. The run started in 2014 and took place from Delaware to Texas. It's permanent route is the aforementioned NYC-Miami. For more information on how you can start a chapter at your school or to find out how to get involved in Reviresco, contact