Mad as Birds Films is an independent film production company founded in Spring 2013 to make the feature film – "Set Fire To The Stars". The Mad As Birds team has a unique blend of expertise from film production, writing, directing, acting, post-production and sales. Set Fire to The Stars created waves across the industry. Shot in just eighteen days and released theatrically nine months later the film has played to rapturous crowds worldwide. Following its international and critical success the team are developing a distinctive slate of commercially viable features & HETV that remain true to the company's ethos of uncompromising indie film-making. Mad As Birds is made up of Andy Evans, Celyn Jones, Ade Shannon, Alex Ashworth and Sean Marley. Working as one, each member of the team is heavily involved in every project. The company mantra is to be the place where artists can thrive, helping them fulfil their vision and make the films they set out to make. As a company we love alternative, surprising and different - we gravitate to material that tells a story in an unconventional way.