▸ EasyBroadcast offers an innovative end-to-end OTT solution for broadcasters and enterprises.▸ Our hybrid solution combines a standard unicast delivery (CDN) model with Viewer-to-Viewer adaptive streaming mode. Our protocol is suitable for web working and enabled a smooth and preferment transition between the two distribution modes Clients/ Servers and Viewer-to-Viewer. ▸ Each viewer starts with a well-chosen segment for a quick integration in the network. Afterwards, it collects the segment needed from the source (CDN or Viewers) that can provide it the quickiest, significantly improving the quality of service. Each viewer can act as a server as soon as it receives segments of video or audio content. Our solution reduces dependence on CDNs and ensures that viewers can continue watching the live event even if part of the CDN infrastructure fails. ▸ Bandwidth costs can be cut by up to 75% for video contents and up to 90% for audio content with an effective hybrid solution. Viewers are selected intelligently via geolocation and QoS matching algorithms to be connected to each other for optimising connections and turning large audiences into an asset.