Join the #MVMNT2015Between 2006 and 2008 a couple Cleveland miscreants put together a local magazine called Pressure. The goal of that magazine was to provide a necessary breath of fresh air in Cleveland journalism. A youthful perspective, with zero filter. To report on music, art, style, and culture all through the city, without holding anything back. In 2015 Cleveland still needs that magazine, and we're gonna give it to you. One way or another.Pressure will be a Cleveland magazine with no boundaries. If it needs to be said it'll be found behind our cover. Everything from interviews of local criminals, to local entrepreneurs. From which show you can't miss this month, to the easiest place to jump a train. All of this will come from Cleveland natives, because nobody's going to know how to write about this city better than the people who live in it. There's no topic we'll be afraid to cover and no question we'll be afraid to ask. Last time around Pressure started off with a staff of two. Jim Bacha designed and John Sweeney wrote. These two not only rose to the challenge of assembling an entire magazine on their own, but quickly started to draw in readership and a talented group of contributors. This time around we are starting off with a larger core group with a wider range of skills, which will help us to deal with the many surprises no doubt in store for us. All of the same passion with a lot more knowledge is a winning combination to bring this magazine back, and make it bigger than it ever was.Pressure will be the best damn magazine in the city. Because there's nothing we won't say, nothing we won't print. Because we know this city, because we're from here. Because it will be Cleveland.Uncut, unfiltered, Cleveland. Join the movement.