Digital Marketing Specialist, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing at Reading For Education - Murfreesboro, Tennessee, US
Digital Marketing Specialist, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing
For over 38 years, our company has successfully worked with America's elementary schools, providing services that include fundraising, spirit wear, school supplies, yearbooks, academic assessment, internet-based technologies and more. We are a privately-held company located in a 60,000 square foot buidling in Murfreesboro, TN ( 30 minutes south of Nashville), and we employ over 180 people. We have 80 employees completely dedicated to communicating daily with our schools and these employees have an average of 10 years of company service. We have 70 employees in our production and processing departments also averaging 10 years of company service. The balance of our employees are in the service and support areas, averaging over 13 years of company service. Our company has worked with 60% of all elementary schools in America...that is over 45,000 schools with over 15 million families. Our success is built on the foundation of providing much-needed funds to schools while also providing exceptional service and value across all of our programs, including: Reading for Education, SchoolMall, and SchoolStore.