Up and Out, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to providing residential options and community integration for adults with developmental disabilites.The mission of our agency is to provide community integrated services and residential options that will assist individuals with developmental disabilities to move into and maintain individualized living situations in their own homes as valued, productive, unique and successful members of their community.Up and Out was founded in 1987 with the introduction of 6 adults to our first apartment support program. Twenty-five years later, we now serve 41 clients with various abilities and disabilities. We provide 24 hour residential support in six locations in southeast Portland and Gresham, insuring the clients live as independently as possible while assisting them with all their medical, financial, and health and safety needs. We also provide support to adults that live in their own homes or with family members to insure they receive the support and community integration they desire. Residents in all of our programs receive a variety of individualized training programs and assistance in accessing integrated community leisure and learning opportunities.