We specialize in saving money for FedEx and UPS shippers in the small to middle market with service failure and manifest error audit, plus on-line history reporting. Nobody serves the small market it better. If you have a FedEx or UPS account, you need Refund Technology.Refund Technologys' focus is on companies just like yours. Together with our Parcel Audit Partners division, we work for thousands of shippers in nearly every state. We analyze and optimize our clients' carrier contracts, provide the most thorough freight invoice auditing in the industry, and provide unparalleled online reporting and analytics.It's a three punch combo that just works. Our clients see immediate financial results and gain incredible visibility over their transportation costs and service performance. This allows them to make better service choices, saving them even more money while improving their own customer service. All of this with no change in their current carriers or processes and no additional work on their end.Best of all, our fees are a percentage of the savings we generate. Nothing more, so there is absolutely no risk.Need more? Our Parcel Audit Partners division handles the middle to large market with contract analysis, full invoice audit and on-line reporting and visibility tools that are unparalleled. www.parcelauditpartners.com .