Alex King

Senior Technician at Computer Systems Asset Disposal - Rochester, NY, US

Alex King's Contact Details
Computer Systems Asset Disposal
Alex King's Company Details
Computer Systems Asset Disposal logo, Computer Systems Asset Disposal contact details

Computer Systems Asset Disposal

Rochester, NY, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Technology Consulting/Tech Services

Does your organization have outdated computers, IT equipment, networking gear or medical equipment? At Computer Systems Asset Disposal, LLC (CSAD) our goal is to help you recover the VALUE from your used assets. We understand that organizations spend a good deal of money purchasing new equipment and it's our job to help provide our clients with the highest return on their technology investments.Environmental responsibility and secure data destruction is at the forefront of what we do. We are not your traditional electronics recycler (although everything we can't find value in is sent to a certified downstream recycler). Don't settle for pennies a pound on your used equipment. Contact CSAD today to learn more!

Electronics Recycling IT Asset Management Data Destruction
Details about Computer Systems Asset Disposal
Frequently Asked Questions about Alex King
Alex King currently works for Computer Systems Asset Disposal (CSAD).
Alex King's role at Computer Systems Asset Disposal (CSAD) is Senior Technician.
Alex King's email address is *** To view Alex King's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alex King works in the Information Technology and Services industry.
Alex King's colleagues at Computer Systems Asset Disposal are Andrea Martin, Robert Ramos, Tony Zhang, Jason Gordon, John Kashmer, John Buck, Peter Bartula and others.
Alex King's phone number is 585-235-2274
See more information about Alex King