Alex N.

Sr. Inspector at San Francisco District Attorney's Office - San Francisco, CA, US

Hang Ngo

'''San Francisco District Attorney''''''''s Office Investigative Assistant / Paralegals'''

Contact Hang Ngo

Michael Menesini

Assistant district attorney

Contact Michael Menesini

Sandi Liu

Victim Witness Advocate

Contact Sandi Liu

Tina Ober

Assistant District Attorney

Contact Tina Ober

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Alex N.'s Contact Details
San Francisco District Attorney's Office
Alex N.'s Company Details
San Francisco District Attorney's Office logo, San Francisco District Attorney's Office contact details

San Francisco District Attorney's Office

San Francisco, CA, US • 250 - 499 Employees

The San Francisco District Attorney's Office is one of the premier law enforcement organizations in the United States. Our mission is to collaborate with the City's diverse communities and law enforcement agencies to make San Francisco one of the safest cities in America. Our office engages in public education and crime prevention efforts while maintaining the traditional role of investigating, charging, and prosecuting all criminal violations occurring within the City and County of San Francisco. The unparalleled opportunities for challenging, meaningful, and sophisticated work have consistently drawn top candidates to our office over the years.

Details about San Francisco District Attorney's Office
Frequently Asked Questions about Alex N.
Alex N. currently works for San Francisco District Attorneys Office.
Alex N.'s role at San Francisco District Attorneys Office is Sr. Inspector.
Alex N.'s email address is *** To view Alex N.'s full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alex N. works in the Law Enforcement industry.
Alex N.'s colleagues at San Francisco District Attorney's Office are Hang Ngo, Michael Menesini, Shantiel Barcenas, Sandi Liu, Tina Ober, Christina Mickels, Jeffrey Pailet and others.
Alex N.'s phone number is
See more information about Alex N.