Business Development Manager at ContiOcean Environment Tech Co.,Ltd - Bellevue, Washington, United States
ContiOcean Environment Tech Co.,Ltd focuses on marine environment protection engineering. The mature desulfurization technology was introduced from one famous water treatment company in Australia and developed by ContiOcean further and applied on marine field. This desulfurization technology has been successfully developed into COIS series inline multi-stream hybrid scrubber system to reduce environmental emission impact from marine fuel oil combustion units. The system meets the requirements of the IMO MEPC 259 (68), which greatly reduces the pollution of marine fuel burning to the atmospheric environment. COIS inline multi-stream hybrid marine scrubber system successively obtained the certificates of DNV GL ,Lloyd's and ABS. The system can be applied to the following types of ship: Cruise vessels, RoRo ships, cargo ships, and ferries operating with HFO. Professional employees with extensive experience on scubber R & D, marine & petrochemical industry, washwater treatment , etc .ContiOcean connects with professional & expertized 3-D scanning & engineering companies and maintains good relationship with major Chinese shipyards, donimates at design, engineering, delivery, installation and commissioning of EGCS based on above. 上海汇舸环保科技有限公司专注于船舶和海洋工程环境保护领域,当前着重关注船舶尾气处理工程。全资引进澳大利亚著名水处理公司CONTIOCEAN的成熟脱硫技术,成功研发COIS系列闭式多机集气式废气洗涤系统。该系统满足国际海事组织海洋环境保护委员会第68次会议259次决议的法案要求,极大地降低船用燃油装置对大气环境的污染。COIS系列闭式废气洗涤系统相继获得挪威船级社、英国劳氏船级社、美国船级社的认证,是国内荣获船级社证书最多的废气洗涤系统厂家。该系统可以应用于下列使用高硫油为主燃料的船型:货轮,豪华邮轮,客滚船,大型渡船,海工平台等。上海汇舸与国内一流船舶院校---江苏科技大学开展技术研发合作,不断优化废气洗涤系统性能,并着眼于船舶尾气处理工程领域的新焦点。与著名日企合作生产系统关键部件,与国内主流修船厂合作,向客户提供运营船舶改装项目的"一站式'服务。凭借卓越的设计、采购、生产管理能力及全球服务网络,上海汇舸将现场测绘、初步设计、详细设计、采购生产、安装调试、售后服务等融为一体,愿意竭诚向客户提供系统"交钥匙"工程。上海汇舸正努力把自己打造成为中国船舶尾气洗涤系统企业在全球市场上的一张靓丽的名片。依托成熟的技术,优秀的员工,高品质的合作伙伴,向客户提供最经济可靠的废气处理解决方案,蔚蓝客户的船舶于五湖四海。