Alex White

Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman at Wisconsin Air National Guard - Madison, WI, us

Alex White's Contact Details
Wisconsin Air National Guard
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Wisconsin Air National Guard logo, Wisconsin Air National Guard contact details

Wisconsin Air National Guard

Madison, WI, us • 1000 - 4999 Employees

We build citizen-Airmen.What's a citizen-Airman? Someone who serves their country one weekend per month and two weeks out of the year, while simultaneously living and working in the civilian sector.As a Wisconsin Air National Guardsman, you get to choose where you live, where you work, what military job you train into for drill weekends, and you get to take advantage of the various benefits being a member of the military offers. Benefits include up to 100% tuition reimbursement, affordable health insurance, travel opportunities, full-time job opportunities, incredible retirement benefits, etc.Only 1% of the United States population serves their country. By joining the Air National Guard, you get the chance to serve your country while living the life you've always dreamed of.Bonus: Joining the Air National Guard is an incredible resume builder! The skills you'll take away, the networking opportunities it will afford you, the lifelong friends you'll make and will be able to carry with you wherever you go -- priceless.If you'd like to find out if you qualify to join the guard, simply visit our website, fill out the information requested, and wait for a recruiter to contact you!

Details about Wisconsin Air National Guard
Frequently Asked Questions about Alex White
Alex White currently works for Wisconsin Air National Guard.
Alex White's role at Wisconsin Air National Guard is Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman.
Alex White's email address is *** To view Alex White's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alex White works in the Military industry.
Alex White's colleagues at Wisconsin Air National Guard are Brett Sabin, Mailto:Steffo Work, Kevin Cummings, Joshua Braun, Dan Wyrick, Ben Gerds, Dick Sommerfeldt and others.
Alex White's phone number is N/A
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