Alex Wilson

Emergency Dispatcher at Arizona State University Police Department - Tempe, Arizona, United States

Alex Wilson's Contact Details
Mesa,Arizona,United States
Arizona State University Police Department
Alex Wilson's Company Details
Arizona State University Police Department logo, Arizona State University Police Department contact details

Arizona State University Police Department

Tempe, Arizona, United States • 51 - 200 Employees
Law Enforcement

The Arizona State University Police Department is committed to the safety of ASU students, faculty and staff. The ASU PD main headquarters are on the Tempe campus, with substations at Downtown, Polytechnic and West campuses.The police department operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The police dispatch center answers all 911 calls and administrative phone lines for each campus.The ASU Police Department is a dually accredited law enforcement agency.Since 1997, the department has been credited through The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA).In March 2016, the department received its first accreditation from the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA).Accreditation demonstrates to the community and law enforcement colleagues that ASU PD meets the very highest standards.

Details about Arizona State University Police Department
Frequently Asked Questions about Alex Wilson
Alex Wilson currently works for Arizona State University Police Department.
Alex Wilson's role at Arizona State University Police Department is Emergency Dispatcher.
Alex Wilson's email address is *** To view Alex Wilson's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alex Wilson works in the Law Enforcement industry.
Alex Wilson's colleagues at Arizona State University Police Department are Jason Fajardo, Tevis Blankenship, Bethany Kelvington, Jose Renteria, Roxanne Zuniga, Brandon Dimasin, Graeme Kennedy and others.
Alex Wilson's phone number is ["4809653601","4809653456","4809653612","4809653111","8552785081","4807279900","4809657640","4809656146","4809211006","4803508311","4809659819","4809659667"]
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