Fable Club is an Entertainment Media Firm focused on games, music, film and video content.Our flagship invention, the patent-pending random number generator AIM Balanced Deck, was invented as a dice replacement system but gave birth to our two branches of games.AIM Stakes, AIMaha, AIM Duels, and the other casino style wager games that can be played with the AIM Wager Deck are all serious, strategically engaging competive games in the style of classics such as poker and blackjack. The games and AIM Wager Deck currently exist in physical form and will be developed into mobile apps and a digital web casino that houses all of the games from the wager family.Actions Items Monsters is a open-world role-playing game rules system. As a highly customizable and personalizable, non-collectible, card-based RPG, it opens unmined space for gaming, storytelling, and through our planned writer/artist network, an opportunity for creatives and gamers to generate revenue of their own through collaboration.