Alexander Kashlev

Acting Chief Executive Officer at ML One - B-303 Moscow, N/A, RU

Alexander Kashlev's Colleagues at ML One
Denis Pasenkov

Director Global Business Development

Contact Denis Pasenkov

Alexander Kashlev's Contact Details
ML One
Alexander Kashlev's Company Details
ML One logo, ML One contact details

ML One

B-303 Moscow, N/A, RU • 20 - 49 Employees

ML One is a modern high-tech service company specializing in the development of multilateral well completion technologies and providing an integrated approach to each project. The company's solutions make it possible to install level 1-5 junctions of multilateral wells according to the international TAML classification and increase the functionality of sidetracking. MISSION: ▪️ Expansion of multilateral well construction technologies and enhancement of the profitability of MLT projects ML ONE SOLUTIONS: ▪️ Multilateral completion systems - TAML 1-5; ▪️ Retrievable casing exit system; ▪️ Whipstock assemblies for cased and open hole application.ADVANTAGES:| Technical |✔️ Increase reservoir exposure;✔️ Efficient exploitation of complex reserves;✔️ Effective recovery of hard-to-recover reserves;✔️ Ability to produce and inject.| Economic |✔️ Reduce CAPEX and OPEX;✔️ Optimize surface or slot requirements;✔️ Increasing the profitability of wells, reducing investment risks;| Environmental |✔️ Reducing the number of CO2 emissions by reducing the operating hours of the drilling rig;✔️ Reduce repetitive rig operations: Drilling, fluids handling, casing operations, riser move etc.

Oil & Energy
Details about ML One
Frequently Asked Questions about Alexander Kashlev
Alexander Kashlev currently works for ML One.
Alexander Kashlev's role at ML One is Acting Chief Executive Officer.
Alexander Kashlev's email address is *** To view Alexander Kashlev's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alexander Kashlev works in the Oil & Energy industry.
Alexander Kashlev's colleagues at ML One are Denis Pasenkov, Arseniy Romanov and others.
Alexander Kashlev's phone number is N/A
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