Lukewarm Media is an indie game studio, founded in 2009, currently based out of Henderson, NV. In October 2013, we released Primal Carnage, a multiplayer "dinosaurs vs humans" team-play game for the PC platform. Currently the company is focused, developing additional content development (new game modes, playable classes, cosmetic skins), and devising creative marketing steps for the game (online comics, tournament and event support, and other promotions). Lukewarm Media is also working to create a vertical slice of Primal Carnage Genesis, a singleplayer UE4 title intended for the PC and PS4 platforms.The company's vision has remained the same over these years: to make games that are fun which the team themselves enjoy playing. Additionally, we strive to create a development environment where everyone is treated with respect and where creativity by all members is fostered on a daily basis. Lukewarm Media has been recognized as a "AAA Indie," meaning our games have been compared to those of larger studios with significantly more resources. We've expanded our goals recently to assist in events and programs that benefit the wider base of indie dev teams. We hope to continue to be an example of what indies can do in this industry, with the right vision and support from other industry partners.