Alexander Medina

Key Account Manager at JSJ corporation - Grand Haven, MI, US

Alexander Medina's Contact Details
JSJ corporation
Alexander Medina's Company Details
JSJ corporation logo, JSJ corporation contact details

JSJ corporation

Grand Haven, MI, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees
Real Estate

At 100 years old, JSJ Corporation is a mid-sized manufacturing company whose entrepreneurial roots run deep. Based in Grand Haven, Michigan, and established in 1919, JSJ actively invests in its people, its businesses and its communities.JSJ businesses include Dake, GHSP, Hudson Technologies, McLoone and Sparks Belting. From machine tools, automotive solutions and medical devices, to metal name plates and conveyor belts, these businesses serve global customers ranging from startups to multinational corporations. What does JSJ stand for? The name was created from the initials of the company's founding families – the Jacobsons, Johnsons and Sherwoods. Their histories became forever entwined when our cornerstone business, Grand Haven Brass Foundry, burned to the ground. Together they rebuilt it. Ever since, these families bonded to build a resilient culture that embraces earning trust, working together, learning by doing and stewarding the company legacy. Both new and experienced employees find a welcoming environment at JSJ. We place a high value on talent, leadership and making a positive difference for future

Market Research Executive Offices Executive Office Consumer Products Manufacturing Manufacturing
Details about JSJ corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about Alexander Medina
Alexander Medina currently works for JSJ Corporation.
Alexander Medina's role at JSJ Corporation is Key Account Manager.
Alexander Medina's email address is *** To view Alexander Medina's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alexander Medina works in the Executive Office industry.
Alexander Medina's colleagues at JSJ corporation are Elga Butkevicius, Amy Homminga, GHSP-Dan Tenckin, Sandra Fleury, Austin Singletary, Micheal Jordan, Jason Hodge and others.
Alexander Medina's phone number is 616-842-6350
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