Your Smile - Your calling card. Only when you lose something do you realize its true value. This also applies to your teeth. Their loss for whatever reason is usually experienced as a drastic incursion in your life. Only then does it become painfully clear how important teeth are for maintaining ones own personal charisma. Teeth represent an immediately recognizable calling card. However it doesnt just stop there. Charisma and appearance are regarded today as essential components for an individuals social competence. There are obvious and indeed proven associations with private and professional success. Teeth are perceived as an integral component of an esthetic and harmonious facial expression. Healthy and beautiful teeth radiate vitality, self-assertion, likeability, and attractiveness. Maintenance of an accustomed lifestyle when eating, smiling, and kissing is possible if implants are used after teeth are lost. What makes more sense than to anchor new roots into the jaw? The bone grows tightly together with them so that a situation that is as natural as possible can be established. Modern implantology can now help you to achieve durable new teeth that feel as if they are your own, and thus bring back your self-confidence and high spirits in a relatively short period of time. The way this is done and the situations where dental implants represent a good solution are explained in the next few pages.