Krautreporter is a daily magazine, telling the stories behind the news. Ad-free. Made for the Internet. Founded by his readers in june 2014.Why do we believe that it needs Krautreporter? Many media outlets care more about clicks than stories. Because no one can keep track when life is only explained in breaking news. Because advertising becomes annoying when you have to click to get rid of it. Because reputable online media become more and more like tabloids.Each day, Krautreporter features three longform pieces, as multimedia as possible, written by great authors. Emotional, relevant, journalistical - and in close cooperation with our members. We got the time it needs, to tell a good story. We got the background knowledge to understand what is happening in the world. We do reportage, researches, portraits and explainer pieces. About issues which we are familiar with. All on one modern, easy-to-use website. Around 30 reporters aged 27 to 61, who no longer want to wait for big media companies to allow true journalism on the net. We are all working for years as journalists with great commitment to the established media. And we believe: Now it's time for something new.