Training coordinator and TIR affairs | Koulutuskoordinaattori ja TIR-asiat (SKAL Kustannus Oy) at Suomen Kuljetus ja Logistiikka SKAL ry, Finnish Transport and Logistics SKAL - Helsinki, N/A, fi
Maanteiden tavaraliikenteen kuljetusyritysten edunvalvontajärjestö ja asiantuntijaorganisaatioFinnish Transport and Logistics SKAL represents companies who offer road haulage services, as well as enterprises providing logistical services. SKAL has about 4 300 members, representing approximately 60 % of the enterprises. The SKAL board consists of haulage entrepreneurs. The management team consists of experts representing fields such as national and EU-level rules and regulations related to road haulage, transportation technology, training, the environment, road infrastructure and communications. The expertise of SKAL covers, in particular: • cost structure, technical norms and the legislation guiding the haulage sector• digital company management systems• environmental regulations, road maintenance, and traffic safety• matters related to starting up and running a haulage company• training of haulage entrepreneurs and drivers• vehicle measures and masses• operating license qualifications and process