Project Director at Blockchain Telecom Ecosystem - Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland
The first Blockchain Telecom Ecosystem for direct interaction between MNOs, MVNOs and CSPs via smart-contracts, without intermediators, agreements, commitments and integration.It provides global connectivity with local rates, new revenue stream on value-added services and zero-acquisition cost on inbound travelers.The ecosystem is open for all mobile carriers, mobile virtual network operators and service providers. They can publish own services ("Offers") as smart contracts. These Offers are visible to all other operators and their subscribers. By selecting an Offer, a new "Request" smart contract is created, with the Digital Identity of a subscriber and Payment transaction.As a result, the Offer issuer identifies the user and receives money, and starts servicing the subscriber directly, with local price and high quality.The same business process is available for any non-telecom service provider (like music, TV or cloud services) who is interested in distributing its own Offers among multi-million customer bases of mobile operators.