Alexandra Gyarfas

Marketing Director at Pipeline Success Inc. - Austin, Texas, US

Alexandra Gyarfas's Contact Details
(512) 758-7700
Pipeline Success Inc.
Alexandra Gyarfas's Company Details
Pipeline Success Inc. logo, Pipeline Success Inc. contact details

Pipeline Success Inc.

Austin, Texas, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Seniors and Baby Boomers - the most valuable generations in the history of marketing. Recognizing that this current generation of retirees is the most affluent ever and the first to have a significant on-line and mobile presence, Pipeline made the strategic decision to focus primarily on this growing yet fragmented market over 7 years ago. Pipeline in one of the largest providers in the U.S. of consumer's looking for senior care facilities and in-home care. We also market other related products and services that this demographic requires. Recently, we have launched a new service providing caregiver candidates to home care agencies nationwide. Pipeline is an Internet marketing firm specializing in identifying consumers that are online (web, mobile, social, etc.) and engaging with them to better understand their needs for products and services. Our primary focus is finding new prospects and clients for our partner's products and services.

online marketing consumer engagement senior care search marketing B2B Internet Data Processing and Preparation
Details about Pipeline Success Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Alexandra Gyarfas
Alexandra Gyarfas currently works for Pipeline Success Inc..
Alexandra Gyarfas's role at Pipeline Success Inc. is Marketing Director.
Alexandra Gyarfas's email address is *** To view Alexandra Gyarfas's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alexandra Gyarfas works in the Internet industry.
Alexandra Gyarfas's colleagues at Pipeline Success Inc. are Jennifer Woods, Jason 'O''Neill', Morgen Laury, David Armstrong, Angelique Salinas, Nicholas CPA and others.
Alexandra Gyarfas's phone number is (512) 758-7700
See more information about Alexandra Gyarfas