PIARCS currently focuses on Resource Recovery from Wastewater. Namely, PIARCS is developing an unconventional Biological Phosphorus Removal system more cost effective than competing Struvite and Alum. This sustainable technology will allow US Water Treatment plants to meet upcoming EPA regulations. For Food and Beverage Industries, PIARCS' process will create a new revenue stream from high-density Phosphorus fertilizer production.In the area of algal biofuel, PIARCS' medium term deliverable is the prototype validation of high yield lipid production using algae under high irradiance, suitable for scalable outdoor biofuel production. PIARCS' goal is to enable US algal lipid productivities on the order of 7,500 gal per acre per year in open ponds. As a validation of the theoretical work authored by PIARCS' founder, the critical milestone consists of building a prototype able to maximize overall efficiency through minimizing the light flux per algal cell. A PCT application has been published (WO/2016/060650).