Alexandra Rhoton

at Cade Museum for Creativity + Invention - Gainesville, FL, US

Alexandra Rhoton's Contact Details
Jacksonville,Florida,United States
Cade Museum for Creativity + Invention
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Cade Museum for Creativity + Invention

Gainesville, FL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

The Cade Museum for Creativity & Invention is a museum of ideas. The question is not what you will see, but what will you imagine and create.Dr. James Robert Cade, a kidney specialist at the University of Florida, was best known as the leader of the research team that invented Gatorade in 1965. Dr. Cade and his family established The Cade Museum Foundation in 2004. Their goal was to create a museum to inspire creativity and invention. They succeeded in creating a hands-on adventure in science for all ages. The mission of the museum is to transform communities by inspiring and equipping future inventors, entrepreneurs, and visionaries.The Cade Museum for Creativity & Invention offers interactive activities in the Creativity and Fab Labs, hands-on learning in the rotunda, Studebaker Sundays, outdoor educational activities, traveling exhibits, and much, much, more. Cade programming and events are designed to engage guests in "purposeful creativity,"​ the kind that leads to great inventions, new businesses, and ideas that change the world.

Museums Museums and Art Galleries Museums and Institutions
Details about Cade Museum for Creativity + Invention
Frequently Asked Questions about Alexandra Rhoton
Alexandra Rhoton currently works for Cade Museum for Creativity & Invention.
Alexandra Rhoton's role at Cade Museum for Creativity & Invention is .
Alexandra Rhoton's email address is *** To view Alexandra Rhoton's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alexandra Rhoton works in the Museums & Institutions industry.
Alexandra Rhoton's colleagues at Cade Museum for Creativity + Invention are Weaver Gaines, Youngsaucegod Hollbrok, Liz Coker, Elizabeth Snow, Thomas Olmsted, Jesse Hunter, Claudia Corbo and others.
Alexandra Rhoton's phone number is 352-371-8001
See more information about Alexandra Rhoton