Sócio-Diretor at GUMATECH - Making IT Easy - Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Gumatech believes that the technological revolution brings major changes to the current corporate model. We are living in a true historical turning point where a world that has been broadly defined by repetition is replaced by a world defined by its opposite: change. The rate of change and the extent of interconnection, multiplying each other, has been accelerating exponentially for at least 300 years. Globalization and technological innovation connect us in an unprecedented way, lowering barriers and allowing everyone to participate. And with that in mind, together with customers, Gumatech will deliver SAP business solutions, anywhere in the world, as transformative agents that They can see the world around us, identify problems, and find ways to solve them so that they have a positive impact on corporations, no matter where they are.