Alexandria Okrepki

Quality Assurance Quality Control at Stein Seal Company - Kulpsville, PA, US

Alexandria Okrepki's Contact Details
Stein Seal Company
Alexandria Okrepki's Company Details
Stein Seal Company logo, Stein Seal Company contact details

Stein Seal Company

Kulpsville, PA, US • 250 - 499 Employees

Stein Seal Company is a Manufacturing Company engaged in the design, development, testing, and manufacturing of sophisticated mechanical shaft seals and precision-machined components used in the aerospace, nuclear, chemical, petrochemical, and marine industries.Surpassing our customers'​ expectations by setting the highest standards for design proficiency and originality, constantly investigating new materials and processes, and refining our ability to manufacture to rigorous tolerances has made us the premier supplier of complex mechanical seal systems and specialty machined components.

Manufacturing Engineering Design & Development Testing Engineering Design & Development Aerospace/Defense Aircraft Aviation & Aerospace
Details about Stein Seal Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Alexandria Okrepki
Alexandria Okrepki currently works for Stein Seal Company.
Alexandria Okrepki's role at Stein Seal Company is Quality Assurance Quality Control.
Alexandria Okrepki's email address is *** To view Alexandria Okrepki's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alexandria Okrepki works in the Aviation & Aerospace industry.
Alexandria Okrepki's colleagues at Stein Seal Company are Daniel Tennett, Roman Fair, Randy Holcroft, James Kolb, Chuck Gerhart, Yonnas Mengistu, Phil Smith and others.
Alexandria Okrepki's phone number is 215-256-0201
See more information about Alexandria Okrepki