AGS, (A Carbon Transition ASA Company) is creating a new wave in seismic solutions.The company is an international full service provider of seismic and geophysical services. We provide the largest nodal fleet in the industry and offer innovative proprietary technologies and methodologies for our clients searching for new opportunities in oil and gas.AGS provides UNIQUE, pioneering technologies and methodologies for OBN operations and innovative acquisition configuration options that bring the very best imagery to the surface. SCALABLE and diverse fleet offering a variety of configurations; including MPVs (Multi-Purpose Vessels). Such hybrid ships can function independently to acquire marine streamer data; as a seismic source vessel on OBS or WAZ surveys; OBN deployment and recovery or in any combination of the three. EFFICIENT proprietary nodal recovery and deployment system ‘Constant Velocity' keeps your survey on the move, increasing production without conventional systems or station interval constraints. SOLUTIONS that are progressive technology options and multiple energy source choices, together with flexible configuration options means maximum efficiency. We will deliver the right service solutions for your project success at a competitive price.