Who else knows your drug or protein better than you? Who else knows protein interactions better than us?Hybrigenics Services is a complete solution provider of cutting-edge technologies dedicated to the study of protein interactions and target identification for drugs.We are also proud to now offer a unique, proprietary nanobody selection service.We help researchers:- Understand proteins' functions through the elucidation of their interactions- Characterize precisely a known interaction (map critical domains or amino-acids...)- Identify the targets of small molecules of therapeutic interest- Predict molecules toxicity and possible side effects- Reposition drugs in new indications- Obtain validated synthetic single-chain antibodies (nanobodies) against any antigen At Hybrigenics Services, we know that working in close collaboration with our clients is the best way to share our knowledge and to accelerate research. Contact us!More than 2,500 researchers in top ranking universities, biotech and pharmaceutical companies have trusted us to accelerate their discovery programs - be the next one and benefit from our unique expertise.Please note that Hybrigenics Services and Hybrigenics Pharma have been two independent companies since January 2017 despite similar names. Our activities are completely distinct and our operations entirely separate. Contact:Hybrigenics Services1 rue Pierre Fontaine91000 EVRY-COURCOURONNESFrancePhone: +33 (0)1 75 66 20 54Phone (USA) : +1 (617) 959 7100