Over the years, Conferium has planned over 85 events of all kind, ranging from colloquiums attended by 100 people to a world trampoline championship with 2,000 participants and scientific conferences up to 2 000 delegates. Though for the most part held in Québec and Ontario, in 2004 Conferium organized its first overseas international conference in Cape Town, South Africa, an event that paved the way for subsequent conferences held in France, Brazil, Greece and the United States. On account of the quality of its clientele and the very fact that Conferium has recurring contracts, rigour and professionalism are essential and these two attributes are put into practice on a daily basis in the logistics support we offer our clients. Conferium would like nothing more that to show you its extensive know-how. Follow us for more detailed information about our company services and its achievements. Check out our SHOWCASE PAGES to learn more abour our Events and Conferences.