Onyx Advisory is an independent advisory and research firm with a focus on Oil & associated Oil derivatives. Our team collaborates with businesses across the world, assisting them in navigating complexities arising from oil price risk exposure through qualitative and quantitative means. We offer a wide range of services that include derivatives education through training & seminars from our experts and market leading research reports.DISCLAIMER:All posts have been prepared by Onyx Capital Advisory Limited. It is provided to our clients for information purposes only and anypersons acting on information contained any publication do so solely at their own risk. The information has been obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable but we do not represent or warrant that it is accurate or complete. The opinions in our posts are those of Onyx Capital Advisory Limited and may be subject to change. The information contained herein is provided as ofthe date indicated, may not be complete and, is subject to change, and no obligation is undertaken by Onyx Capital Advisory Limited to reviseor update it. All publications are directed at eligible counterparties and professional customers as defined by the Financial Conduct Authoritywhen authorised. Any kind of reproduction of our publications without written permission by the publisher is strictly prohibited. Onyx CapitalAdvisory Limited reserves the right to modify content or cancel publications without prior consent or notice.