JEFE DE LABORATORIO DE MUESTREO E INGRESO at ChileGlobal Angels - Vitacura, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Participante red de Inversionistas de la red Chile Global Angels de Fundacion Chile
¿What is ChileGlobal Angels?:An Angel Investment Network combining diaspora with venture capital that brings together investors and entrepreneurs from Chile and abroad. The network is primarily constituted by foreign investors and complimented by a group of local counterparts with a strong international business background. Therefore, this is the first Chilean angel investment network with international members focused on dynamic start-ups looking for capital to scale-up and globalize. Additionally, the network is partnered with institutional associates and formal working networks within the entrepreneurship and VC industries, which support and provide with preferential services. ChileGlobal Angels is operated by Fundación Chile and supported by the Chilean Economic Development Agency—CORFO.