CEO and President at SCHNYDER Safety in Chemistry Ltd. - Obersiggenthal, Aargau, Switzerland
For the safe handling of thermal hazards, it is necessary to identify them, estimate their probability of occurrence and the seriousness of their effects. Once the hazards are known, a procedure for safe operation of the particular Multi-product plant is then defined.Nothing left to chance. The analysis of chemical and thermal processes – prevention is better than prosecution. Ever since we have started in 1991 revolves all we do around the safety of Chemical processes. For many of our customers we are for many years a firm element in their supply chain. We know their Multi-product plants and help them to accelerate the progress from development of the chemical process over the scale-up in the production scale.Our service includes• visualisation of the hazards of all process stages of chemical processes• safety analysis and assessment of chemical processes• defining safe process conditions• investigation of the thermal stability of substances and mixtures• investigation of the explosion hazards of gases and dusts• flammability of liquids and bulk material• electrostatic hazards• transport classification of Dangerous Goods• process development and process optimization are our strengthsIn addition, we provide technical support for...• Outsourcing of chemical processes on MPA in other organisations• Project teams as process owners responsible for planning and construction of plant facilities• Plant engineering contractors by providing chemical and physical process descriptions• Simulation of chemical processes• Plant engineering contractors by coordinating the technical fundamentals...and scientific support for • reactor accidents • investigation of the cause after a reactor accident • simulation of the accident• creating expertise• development of a new, safe and efficient chemical process