Specialist Manufacturer of CE accredited Stillages/Fabrications• Bin box stillages' • A frame stillages'• Post Pallets• Mesh sided stillages'Why Invest in a CE Marked Stillage? By investing in a quality CE manufactured stillage you may potentially save £1000's in the following areas: Suitability of design – • Zero damage in transit.• Reduced Insurance costs• Zero reject on supply.• Efficient transportation.• Improved Productivity.• Improved economical storage.• Vastly Improved Ergonomics.• Huge reduction in waste, Cardboard etc.• Vast Environmental benefits. Materials –• Manufactured to the highest quality. All steel is certified with full tractability. Conformity to all current legislation –"Every Employer has a duty of care by law to follow legislation, concerning providing safe work equipment" Failure to adhere to these regulations could result in large fines and even imprisonment"