Fachkraft at Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV) - Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Fachexperte (Online) Marketing - Büro der Geschäftsführung/Marketing (BdG/M)
ZAV. We take you to your new job.Are you looking for a job in Germany? Or do you live in Germany and are interested in working abroad?Are you looking for a new challenge at the top management level or as a performing artist or new engagements as a performing artist?Or are you an employer looking for professionals or apprentices from abroad, executives for your company or performing and entertaining artists?The International and Specialized Services (ZAV) will be happy to assist you. As part of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), it is the contact point for the international labor market and the counseling of special professional groups in and outside Germany.The ZAV employees advise interested parties who are working and training abroad regarding working and living in Germany and assist with the job hunt. In close cooperation with the regional employment agencies, the ZAV informs employers and supports the recruitment of international specialists. Visit www.make-it-in-germany.com, the official multilingual online portal for international professionals, for further information.In addition, the ZAV offers comprehensive counseling to pupils, trainees, students and specialists in Germany who are interested in a professional stay abroad. Applicants who are on their way to representing Germany as international experts in international organizations, such as the United Nations, are also supported by the ZAV.Within Germany, the ZAV advises and provides performing artists and executives for higher management positions and helps employers to fill these positions. It also supports severely disabled academics in their job search and employers who want to fill vacancies with people with disabilities.You can find more information about our different services on our focus pages or on our website.