Submit•less is a web application which allows users to complete submittal logs in a fraction of the time. Simply upload your specification document and Submit•less will do the rest. After the Submit•less app runs, it will email you a submittal log for your document that is compatable with excel. The days of submittal logs taking 10+ hours are long gone.Submittal logs have always been repetitive and tedious, but absolutely necessary for any major construction project. The process of creating submittal logs is long overdue as an intelligent software solution. That's exactly what we have set out to do.Construction Managers should have their heads in the project and communicating with architects, engineers, and subcontractors. Not performing the mundane task of creating a submittal log. We believe we live in an age where mundane tasks are being phased out by computers so people can focus on what really matters. Do not subject yourself to creating another submittal log from scratch. Start with Submit•less and let us help you get back to building.