Sunergies develops cooling solutions that capitalize on abundances of the gulf region to provide products that:1. Reduce power consumption by more than 80 percent for the same cooling capacity as compared to standard air conditioning systems.2. Do not use HCFC and, thus, contribute to a cleaner environment and have no special disposal requirements.3. Have outdoor units that operate quietly and at reduced the vibration level.Sunergies intends to lead the national air conditioning industry in a direction that maintains profitability while reducing the national cost of economic growth. This is to be achieved by drastically reducing the operating expenses of safe and comfortable residential and commercial environments, which are necessary for economic growth.Sunergies will:1. Conduct its business in a socially responsible fashion and be a good citizen. 2. Develop a workforce that is knowledgeable and dependable. 3. Invest in research and development to achieve and sustain leadership.