Terriorist at 夏忆 iHawaii Travel™Alibaba Taobao Tmall Global China Business Development 夏威夷淘宝旅行定制 - Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
iHawaii Travel Taobao 夏威夷淘宝旅行 - An Outsourcing Business Development Taobao's Travel & Tmall Travel (淘宝旅行 & 天猫旅行) & Qunar Travel Site (去哪儿旅游网) Selling Online in China without having a company in China!夏忆 iHawaii Travel Taobao is not only a Private Tour Company which provides access to unique Luxury, Privacy, Lifestyle opportunities for its Guests. But on the other hand, is the most cost effective ways to enter the Chinese market without having to put up capital to build stores in the country. In China, web is one of the most cost effective ways to brand. By cooperating with iHawaii Travel Taobao Tmall Global Alibaba, you can enter the online market more quickly and with lower costs. Such alliances will help your company to sell your products in our Shanghai head office without any infrastructural costs like office or local personnel, or the need to invest in retail and distribution networks.To increase customer loyalty and retention, we use the major Chinese social networks (Weibo,WeChat,RenRen,etc.) to engage our customers and provide them with comprehensive and timely product information.Provide IT services, local customer services, interactive marketing services for foreign brands, and offline retailers that want to establish an online presence.Use the Chinese market places in an efficient manner to attract new customers on the Chinese market by implementing a Chinese Web site which fits the Chinese market.The move will let US retailers tap into the estimated 500 million Chinese online shoppers who spent $298 billion online in 2013. 夏忆 iHawaii Taobao Travel 夏威夷淘宝旅行拥有美国旅行社执照(TAR-6886),也是NTA美国全国旅游协会中国休闲旅游团入境旅游项目会员。"夏忆iHawaiiTravel" 是公司专属的旅游度假品牌,直接连接夏威夷各旅游商家和中国旅行者,提供更实惠更灵活更具特色的出行安排,打造舒适、轻松、无忧、难忘的度假体验。iHawaii Taobao Travel & Tmall Global Outsourcing Business DevelopmentEMAIL: Keith@bs-hawaii.com淘宝旅行: ihawaii.taobao.comHonolulu Office: 1 808 675 1745Shanghai Headquarter: 86.021.51873779微信 Wechat: ihawaii999QQ : 2514598951