Ali Nurani

Student Intern at National Building Control Office (NBCO) National Market Surveillance Office (NMSO) - Floor 1 Dublin 2, N/A, ie

Ali Nurani's Contact Details
National Building Control Office (NBCO) National Market Surveillance Office (NMSO)
Ali Nurani's Company Details
National Building Control Office (NBCO) National Market Surveillance Office (NMSO) logo, National Building Control Office (NBCO) National Market Surveillance Office (NMSO) contact details

National Building Control Office (NBCO) National Market Surveillance Office (NMSO)

Floor 1 Dublin 2, N/A, ie • 5 - 9 Employees

The National Building Control Management Project (NBCMP)The NBCMP was initiated on foot of the CCMA recognition in 2014 for the requirement to have a standardised model of building control delivery with a strengthened Local Authority inspection regime.The NBCMP is delivered through the National Building Control Office (NBCO) which is managed as a separate Business Unit on behalf of the 31 Building Control Authorities by Dublin City Council (DCC).The objective of the NBCMP is to provide oversight, support & direction for the development, standardisation and implementation of Building Control as an effective shared service in the 31 Building Control Authorities who fund the project. This is achieved through Five-pillars which includes an Inspection, Training, Compliance Support, Market Surveillance pillars supported by the IS-BCMS (Building Control Management System) pillar.Collaboration is through the oversight[1] board and three regional Building Control Committees who provide expertise in the form of working groups to inform the five pillars.The overall vision of the NBCMP is to promote a "Culture of Compliance with the Building Regulations and Market Surveillance of Construction Products" among owners, builders, designers and certifiers to ensure "health and safety of people in or about buildings" i.e. safe, accessible sustainable and good quality compliant building stock.[1] National Building Control Advisory Board-Membership 11-Chaired by DCC (2 members from DCC including chair, 2 members from DHPLG, 2 members from the Construction Industry Council (CIC), 1 member NDFEM, 3 members from 1 from each of the three Regional Building Control Committees, 1 member from the Chief Fire Officers (CFO).

Government Administration
Details about National Building Control Office (NBCO) National Market Surveillance Office (NMSO)
Frequently Asked Questions about Ali Nurani
Ali Nurani currently works for National Building Control Office (NBCO) National Market Surveillance Office (NMSO).
Ali Nurani's role at National Building Control Office (NBCO) National Market Surveillance Office (NMSO) is Student Intern.
Ali Nurani's email address is *** To view Ali Nurani's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ali Nurani works in the Government Administration industry.
Ali Nurani's colleagues at National Building Control Office (NBCO) National Market Surveillance Office (NMSO) are Mairéad Phelan, Kelda Minjon, Joseph Carton and others.
Ali Nurani's phone number is N/A
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