Qatar Technical Inspection Company QTIC is the only company licensed to conduct inspection of light vehicles, heavy vehicles and heavy equipments in Qatar.QTIC is offering a highly technically oriented inspection of vehicles in conformity with the approved standards of road traffic safety and pollution control. The company carries out technical inspection of the vehicles in compliance with standards mutually agreed upon with the Traffic Dept. under the Ministry of Interior, and the General Committee of Standardization and Metrology.The company became a shareholding company in August 2002 with an initial capital of Qatari Riyals 40,000,000 with the name Qatar Technical Inspection Company QSC. In May 2009 Qatar Fuel "WOQOD" acquired Qatar Technical Inspection Company Q.S.C. With the aim of increasing efficiency, maximizing shareholders wealth and high quality service to the customers, the company was renamed as WOQOD Vehicles Inspection "FAHES".Under the ministerial decree no (2) of 2003 the rights to carry out the mandatory annual inspection of vehicles required for renewing registration certificate was entrusted with the company. The responsibility to administer the Technical Inspection and issue certificate to vehicles for renewal and issue of registration permit was given to the company by the Traffic Department under the contract.