Imagine you're a person with a disability. Each day you have a new support worker assisting you with your daily care routine and therapy programs. Each day you have to spend hours explaining and training your support workers on how to exactly provide the care you need. Every. Single. Day. Once a week you go to in-person therapy. You try to remember feedback from the previous week's program but struggle to remember anything because you've been preoccupied with organising your care support team and everything else that life throws at you.Since 2019, Maslow has worked to become the all-in-one app for all people with a disability to support their care and rehab needs. With Maslow, people with disabilities can easily communicate with their support team to safely and effectively complete care routines. People with a disability and their care support team can add feedback to individual aspects of both care routines and therapy programs so all important information can be handed over to the relevant team members. Therapists can send remote training programs to their clients, track their progress and review feedback.We are a team of clinicians, designers, technologists, and people with the lived experience passionate about empowering all people with a disability to take control of their care & rehab. If you want to learn more about Maslow, visit