Alice Napoleon

Senior Associate at Synapse Energy Economics Inc - Cambridge, MA, US

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Greater Boston
Synapse Energy Economics Inc
Alice Napoleon's Company Details
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Synapse Energy Economics Inc

Cambridge, MA, US • 50 - 99 Employees

Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. provides research, testimony, reports and regulatory support to consumer advocates, environmental organizations, regulatory commissions, state energy offices, and others. The firm was founded in May 1996 to specialize in consulting on energy, economic, and environmental topics. Synapse assesses the implications of electricity industry planning, regulation and restructuring. Our work covers various interrelated issues such as transmission planning, service reliability, siting, fuel diversity, resource planning, financial and economic risks, renewable energy potential and renewable portfolio standards, energy efficiency, electricity modeling, portfolio management, customer service and more.

renewable energy and distributed generation resource planning electric system and economic modeling transmission and distribution energy and capacity markets utility regulation energy efficiency and demand-side resources environment and climate transportation energy storage Waste/Recycling/Environmental Services Nec Renewables & Environment
Details about Synapse Energy Economics Inc
Frequently Asked Questions about Alice Napoleon
Alice Napoleon currently works for Synapse Energy Economics Inc.
Alice Napoleon's role at Synapse Energy Economics Inc is Senior Associate.
Alice Napoleon's email address is *** To view Alice Napoleon's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alice Napoleon works in the Waste/Recycling/Environmental industry.
Alice Napoleon's colleagues at Synapse Energy Economics Inc are Rachel Wilson, Patrick Knight, Courtney Lane, Jenny Marusiak, Benjamin Havumaki, Erin Ash, Erin Camp and others.
Alice Napoleon's phone number is 617-661-3248
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