Alicia Frutos

Relationship Builder at People to People Staffing - Huntington Beach, California, United States

Alicia Frutos's Colleagues at People to People Staffing
Julia Killeen

Assistant Sales Representative Manager

Contact Julia Killeen

Alicia Frutos's Contact Details
People to People Staffing
Alicia Frutos's Company Details
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People to People Staffing

Huntington Beach, California, United States • 1 - 10 Employees
Staffing and Recruiting

People to People Staffing (P2P) is a Human Resource Network that staffs in the area of IT, including: Software Engineers, Systems Analysts, UI/UX Designers, Web Developers, and IT Help Desk. We also do Clerical, Manufacturing, and Production placements. We pride ourselves on an "Old School" Value system: we look for quality, skilled, and marketable individuals to be placed within companies that understand the value and importance of their employees. Welcome to P2P, where your needs are our first priority.

Details about People to People Staffing
Frequently Asked Questions about Alicia Frutos
Alicia Frutos currently works for People to People Staffing.
Alicia Frutos's role at People to People Staffing is Relationship Builder.
Alicia Frutos's email address is *** To view Alicia Frutos's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alicia Frutos works in the Staffing and Recruiting industry.
Alicia Frutos's colleagues at People to People Staffing are CANDICE HUGER, Muzamil Sheikh, Christopher Munn, Julia Killeen and others.
Alicia Frutos's phone number is
See more information about Alicia Frutos