She Who Learns is an anti-racism, equity, and inclusion group founded on the belief that "she who learns, teaches." We are a group of Black women educators who work within our communities to organise, educate, train, and mobilise a critical mass of Black and Brown people (queer, trans, documented/undocumented, differently-abled, non-english speaking/english speaking, muslim/non-muslim, low-income/poor, rural, urban) focused on co-creating and maintaining liberatory spaces in schools and communities.Our healing-centric work within our communities addresses internalised racial oppression, adultism, and anti-Blackness to foster and maintain healthy, educated, empowered communities prepared to confront and undo racism. As our young people's elders, we centre Black and Brown young people and their work to organise and build with the participatory democracy principles and goals created by Ella Baker. To this end, our intergenerational collective focuses on-supporting organisation working for social change in minimising hierarchy and professionalism;-resolving social problems through engaging in direct action; and-centring grassroots people in the decisions that impact their lives.Our youth-centred political education aims to-(re)connect with our ancestral epistemologies and healing-centred practices to address the trauma of our communities through earth-work, herbalism, energy-work, spirituality, doulaing and midwifery, amongst other practices;-understand racism and other systems of oppression to define and practice getting free;-undo adultism;-develop critical and radical consciousness and leadership skills;-actively create a healthy understanding of our intersectional identities;-establish cross-generational and multiracial relationships; and-address the needs in our communities.