Conexsol: Innovation and Consultancy in Clean Energy Conexsol was founded with a vision to deliver innovative solutions in the clean energy sector, committed to environmental protection and the well-being of future generations. Aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we work toward ensuring a greener and more resilient future. We specialize in a wide range of projects, from oil companies and shopping malls to financial institutions, public organizations, private residences, and classified areas. As sophisticated consultants in the development of financial models for solar energy, we help our clients maximize their return on investment through viable and sustainable solutions. Conexsol has a strong international presence, with operations in the United States—particularly in Florida (headquarters), Atlanta, and San Diego—as well as in Honduras, Panama, Guyana, Venezuela, Mexico, and Colombia. In the short term, we aim to expand our operations further, contributing to sustainable community growth through programs that enhance quality of life and foster prosperity. We offer our clients a highly efficient business model, with a comprehensive approach that ensures the highest standards of quality, financial optimization, and competitive profitability timelines.