Wear Referrals is a multi-disciplinary, triple award winning specialist veterinary referral hospital just off Junction 60 of the A1. We are the leading North East multidisciplinary practice offering Neurology, Orthopaedics, Soft Tissue, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Out of Hours Emergency Care and Rehabilitation. Practice facilities include a dedicated ICU ward for critical patients staffed 24 hours a day, in-house MRI & CT, 4 operating theatres, endoscopy and ultra-sound facilities and dedicated patient wards. We are proud to be part of the Linnaeus family of veterinary practices.Wear Referrals are part of the Linnaeus Veterinary Ltd (A Mars Company). You can find our terms of use and privacy policy by visiting: Privacy statement - https://www.mars.com/privacy Legal notice - https://www.wear-referrals.co.uk/legal-noticeContact Information - https://www.wear-referrals.co.uk/contact-us