The company was formed by Late Ashfaq Ahmed in 1971, in a small rented office,operating with 3 persons only for the purpose of trading medical instruments, as time wenton the need to establish a manufacturing facility to accommodate requests by customersfor custom made products and to deliver quality products grew day by day.In 1990, 19 years after its establishment the company, had its own manufacturing facility,with emphasis on supplying quality instruments to customers world over irrespective ofquantity, The company had since entered into the production of Hollowware instruments.Our company was one of the first companies in Pakistan to produce and ExportHollowware instruments and to date we produce them in house and Export to a variety ofcustomers world over including many brand names.In 1998, the company on demand from customers started to explore the production ofHospital Furniture, and in 2001 started to produce and export Hospital Furniture to variousbrand names in the world.Looking back we realize it has been more than 3 decades since we started tradinginstruments and have evolved into a manufacturing facility, and all this due to satisfiedcustomers world over.