Junior Research Fellow at Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine - , , Australia
The Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IMBG) was founded in 1973 on the basis of the Sector of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. IMBG initiated the collaboration of scientists and specialists in molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, microbiology, biotechnology, chemistry, and genetics. Presently its personnel is comprised of 429 employees, including 192 scientists, among them 25 Doctors of Sciences (Dr.Sci.) and 115 Doctors of Philosophy (Ph.D.), 2 Full Members of NASU and 1 Full Member of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (AMSU), and 5 Corresponding Members of NASU. Scientific research programme of the Institute is focused on the central trends of molecular biology, genetics and biotechnology; such as, structural and functional genomics, proteomics and protein engineering, regulatory systems and signal transduction mechanisms, bioinformatics and computational modelling, development of biosensors, gene and cell biotechnologies, gene therapy and diagnostics. Presently 137 young employees (under 35 years) are working at IMBG. Annually more than 20 young researchers take a post-graduate course at IMBG. As a branch of the Biochemistry Department, IMBG provides several courses on molecular biology, biotechnology and genetics for students of Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University.