The HappyNes is social enterprise found in 2015. Our visionTo enrich and surpass millions reasons for LOVE, HAPPINESS and SUCCESS in people's lives as global community • Our mission•We empower women and the young generation to unlock their potential and change their lives. •We work with people who have experienced tough situations of social violence, poverty, and unemployment and support them in developing emotionally, physiologically, and physically. •We support these people to excel and grow their business activities for their personal, social and economic development. •We encourage them to become change makers by awakening their spirit of INNOVATION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND LEADERSHIP. Our "Love and Wealth" program, our aim is to ensure sustainable development and support small and medium-size Rwandan women's businesses and youth innovations. We aim to achieve this by building cooperatives , raising funds, empowering and promoting production, and distributing the end products on our e-commerce website. We are also hoping to train the great minds of next generation leaders through different partnerships with local and international organizations and institutions.Empower// Earn // Entertain // Connect Our servicesThe HappyNes workshop. "empowering women and young generation"Intercultural night " market, exhibition and networking opportunities for women cooperative, young entrepreneurs and SMEs. " & diversity culture exchange by music, arts, dance, games, theater and etcThe HappyNes SMEs business acceleration.The HappyNes trade Sunday Festive Kinyarwanda master class