Let us help you find your foothold in Jerusalem The motto of the Gilinski Real Estate and Investments team is to assist you in all aspects of finding and obtaining the perfect property in Jerusalem. We see finding your home as a project, in which our goal is to present you with properties that best suit your needs and wishes, in the right location and at the right price. Founded in 1997 by Eilon Gilinski, a native of the city and a Jerusalem real estate expert, our office has been instrumental in bringing hundreds of local real estate transactions to a successful close. We attribute our success not only to our in-depth knowledge of the Jerusalem real estate market but also to the attention we pay to our customers requirements. Specialists in Jerusalem's established neighborhoods; our work does not end with the signing of a contract. We will be pleased to walk you through all of the steps required to finalize your transaction—mortgage, taxes, property registration and more. Most important, our fully bilingual approach goes beyond speaking fluent English. Eilon Gilinski is the General Manager and owner of Gilinski Real Estate and Investments. Please feel free to contact us directly at any time for a free consultation or for references. Gilinski Real Estate and Investments #4 Afodi st.Jerusalem, IsraelOffice - 972-2-5661150Fax - 972-25634177info@gilinski.co.il