345 isn't just our name, it's our straightforward process and the comprehensive plan that empowers our clients to build personalized strategies today designed to allow them to cross the bridge to financial security for tomorrowWe Provide: guidance and comprehensive planning around the most important phases of your life: Accumulation, Distribution, and TransferWe Utilize: multiple risk transfer strategies within our clients' portfoliosWe Create: tax efficiencies in all aspects of the planning processSecurities offered through Equitable Advisors, LLC (NY, NY (212) 314-4600), member FINRA, SIPC (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI & TN). Investment advisory products and services offered through Equitable Advisors, LLC., an SEC-registered investment advisor. Annuity and insurance products offered through Equitable Network, LLC., which conducts business in CA as Equitable Network Insurance Agency of California, LLC, and in UT as Equitable Network Insurance Agency of Utah, LLC. Equitable Advisors and Equitable Network are affiliated companies and do not provide tax or legal advice. 345 Wealth Management is not a registered investment advisor and is not owned or operated by Equitable Advisors or Equitable Network.AGE-4889071.2 (8/22) (Exp. 8/24)